Marvel Puzzle Quest Wiki
Marvel Puzzle Quest Wiki

Main article: Venom

Inspired by Spider-Man, Flash Thompson dedicated himself to helping others in the US Army. After losing his legs in battle, the government brought him closer to Spider-Man than he could have imagined.

Bonding Flash with the Venom symbiote, the Army returned his legs and created a new breed of Super Soldier - Agent Venom! But in the heat of battle, who's really in control - Flash... or the symbiote?


Symbiotic Assault[]

POWER COST  red  10
Venom channels the power of his alien symbiotic to unleash the ultimate tactical strike. Deals 603 damage. If you have at least 16 AP in a colored AP pool, deal 965 damage instead.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deals 844 damage, or 1350 damage if you have at least 15 in a colored AP pool.
Level 3: Deals 1056 damage, or 1690 damage if you have at least 14 in a colored AP pool.
Level 4: Deals 1478 damage, or 2366 damage if you have at least 13 in a colored AP pool.
Level 5: Deals 2320 damage, or 3713 damage if you have at least 12 in a colored AP pool.

At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 2056 damage, or 3292 damage if you have at least 14 in a colored AP pool.
Level 4: Deals 2878 damage, or 4609 damage if you have at least 13 in a colored AP pool.
Level 5: Deals 4157 damage, or 7234 damage if you have at least 12 in a colored AP pool.

Military Might[]

POWER COST  black  5
Flash Thompson’s military skills help keep his alien symbiotic in check… for a time. Drains 2 AP from the highest friendly colored AP pool and deals 509 damage.

(PASSIVE) If you have at least 12 AP in any color, this power becomes Alien Weakness.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deals 731 damage, switches to Alien Weakness at 13 AP.
Level 3: Deals 925 damage, switches to Alien Weakness at 14 AP.
Level 4: Deals 1323 damage, switches to Alien Weakness at 15 AP.
Level 5: Deals 2147 damage, switches to Alien Weakness at 16 AP.

At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1804 damage, switches to Alien Weakness at 14 AP.
Level 4: Deals 2579 damage, switches to Alien Weakness at 15 AP.
Level 5: Deals 4184 damage, switches to Alien Weakness at 16 AP.

ALT: Alien Weakness[]

POWER COST  black  0
(PASSIVE) The Venom symbiote asserts its dominance, fighting with Flash for control. At the start of your turn, drains 2 AP from the highest friendly colored AP pool, destroys 3 random tiles and deals 222 damage to Venom. Destroyed tiles do not generate AP. If all friendly colored AP is below 12, this power becomes Military Might.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Drain 2 AP from friendly highest AP pool, destroy 5 random tiles and deal 222 damage to Venom. If all friendly colored AP is below 13 this power becomes Military Might.
Level 3: Drain 2 AP from highest friendly AP pool, destroy 5 random tiles and deal 176 damage to Venom. If all friendly colored AP is below 14 this power becomes Military Might.
Level 4: Drain 2 AP from highest friendly AP pool, destroy 7 random tiles and deal 176 damage to Venom. If all friendly colored AP is below 15 this power becomes Military Might.
Level 5: Drain 2 AP from highest friendly AP pool, destroy 9 random tiles and deal 139 damage to Venom. If all friendly colored AP is below 16 this power becomes Military Might.

At Max Level:
Level 3: Drain 2 AP highest friendly highest AP pool, destroy 5 random tiles and deal 343 damage to Venom. If all friendly colored AP is below 14 this power becomes Military Might.
Level 4: Drain 2 AP from highest friendly AP pool, destroy 7 random tiles and deal 343 damage to Venom. If all friendly colored AP is below 15 this power becomes Military Might.
Level 5: Drain 2 AP from highest friendly AP pool, destroy 9 random tiles and deal 271 damage to Venom. If all friendly colored AP is below 16 this power becomes Military Might.

Take Cover[]

POWER COST  yellow  11
Agent Venom lets loose his arsenal and lays down cover so his allies can regroup. Deals 296 damage to the enemy team and renders all of Venom’s allies Invisible for 2 turns.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deals 500 damage to the enemy team.
Level 3: Deals 601 damage to the enemy team and renders allies Invisible for 3 turns.
Level 4: Deals 999 damage to the enemy team and renders allies Invisible for 3 turns.
Level 5: Deals 1702 damage to the enemy team and renders allies Invisible for 4 turns.

At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1172 damage to the enemy team and renders allies Invisible for 3 turns.
Level 4: Deals 1947 damage to the enemy team and renders allies Invisible for 3 turns.
Level 5: Deals 3318 damage to the enemy team and renders allies Invisible for 4 turns.

Best Build[]


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See Also[]

Venom (Dark Avengers)
Venom (Eddie Brock)

