With mutant powers that grant her a prehensile tail, super-strong teeth, claws and the ability to talk to squirrels, Doreen Green is the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.
Between being an Avenger, a student at E.S.U. and a nanny for Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, Squirrel Girl found the time to single-handedly defeat Terrax, MODOK, Fin Fang Foom, Doctor Doom and Thanos!
The Bigger They Are[]
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl rolls up her sleeves and faces off against an opponent twice her size. Creates 3 Yellow Protect tiles with 22 strength, or strength 33 if the target enemy has 80% or more health. Ends the turn.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Creates Protect tiles with 28 strength, or strength 39 if the target enemy has 80% or more health.
Level 3: Creates Protect tiles with strength 44 if the target enemy has 80% or more health.
Level 4: Creates Protect tiles with strength 55 if the target enemy has 80% or more health.
Level 5: Creates 4 Protect tiles with strength 61 if the target enemy has 80% or more health.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Creates 3 protect tiles strength 88 or 139 (264 or 417 total).
Level 4: Creates 3 protect tiles strength 88 or 173 (264 or 519 total)..
Level 5: Creates 4 protect tiles strength 88 or 191 (352 or 764 total).
Nuts From Above[]
Squirrel Girl leaps onto her unsuspecting enemies from the trees in an unrelenting assault of tail and claws. Deals 329 damage to the enemy plus 55 damage for each enemy Protect, Attack, or Strike tile on the board (up to 8 tiles).
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deals 433 damage to the enemy plus 55 damage for each enemy Protect, Attack, or Strike tile on the board.
Level 3: Deals 433 damage to the enemy plus 83 damage for each enemy Protect, Attack, or Strike tile on the board.
Level 4: Deals 653 damage to the enemy plus 83 damage for each enemy Protect, Attack, or Strike tile on the board.
Level 5: Deals 762 damage to the enemy plus 171 damage for each enemy Protect, Attack, or Strike tile on the board.
At Max Level:
Level 3: 1373 + 261 per enemy Protect, Attack, or Strike tile (up to 8, max bonus of 2088, max damage of 3461).
Level 4: 2069 + 261 per enemy Protect, Attack, or Strike tile (up to 8, max bonus of 2088, max damage of 4157).
Level 5: 2416 + 539 per enemy Protect, Attack, or Strike tile (up to 8, max bonus of 4312, max damage of 6728).
Furry Friends[]
Squirrel Girl commands her army of squirrels to swarm her foes and getting all up in their business. Places 3 Green 3-turn Countdown tiles that deal 137 damage.
PASSIVE: At the beginning of every turn, destroy a random basic tile for each Furry Friends Countdown tile.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Each Countdown tile deals 219 damage.
Level 3: Each Countdown tile deals 290 damage.
Level 4: Each Countdown tile deals 444 damage.
Level 5: Creates 4 Countdown tiles which deal 499 damage.
At Max Level:
Level 3: 3 3-turn Countdown tiles doing 922 each (2766 total).
Level 4: 3 3-turn Countdown tiles doing 1409 each (4227 total).
Level 5: 4 3-turn Countdown tiles doing 1583 each (6332 total).
Note: Furry Friends can be used as a Team-Up, but the passive will not be present.
Best Build[]
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