Unlike other Mutans, Jamie Madrox was born With his powers. To protect himself and others, they were suppressed till his mid-teens. Upon puberty, he started to lose control until he was approached by Professor Xavier. With the help of Moira McTaggart, Jamie learned that his duplicates could live full lives of their own and even create their own duplicates. While he does still reabsorb his duplicates when necessary, keeping them separate has come in handy, such as in containing the Legacy Virus.
Hit Me Again[]
(PASSIVE) Each time Multiple Man takes damage, create a Dupe on a tile prioritizing an enemy Strike, Attack, or Protect tile, followed by the enemy’s strongest color.
Multiple Man deals 0.50% increased match damage, and takes 0.50% reduced damage for each friendly Dupe on the board.
If 56 or more friendly Dupes ever exist, Multiple Man’s team wins the match. Dupes can only be matched away if part of a Match 4 or higher. This cannot be disabled.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deal 0.75% increased match damage. Take 0.75% reduced damage. Win the match if 52 or more friendly Dupes exist.
Level 3: Deal 1.25% increased match damage. Take 1.25% reduced damage. Win the match if 50 or more friendly Dupes exist.
Level 4: Deal 1.50% increased match damage. Take 1.50% reduced damage. Win the match in 42 or more friendly Dupes exist.
Level 5: Deal 2.00% increased match damage. Take 2.00% reduced damage. Win the match if 34 or more friendly Dupes exist.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deal 1.25% increased match damage. Take 1.25% reduced damage. Win the match if 50 or more friendly Dupes exist.
Level 4: Deal 1.50% increased match damage. Take 1.50% reduced damage. Win the match in 42 or more friendly Dupes exist.
Level 5: Deal 2.00% increased match damage. Take 2.00% reduced damage. Win the match if 34 or more friendly Dupes exist.
At Champion Max Level:
Level 3: Deal 1.25% increased match damage. Take 1.25% reduced damage. Win the match if 50 or more friendly Dupes exist.
Level 4: Deal 1.50% increased match damage. Take 1.50% reduced damage. Win the match in 42 or more friendly Dupes exist.
Level 5: Deal 2.00% increased match damage. Take 2.00% reduced damage. Win the match if 34 or more friendly Dupes exist.
My Own Best Friend[]
POWER COST variable
Drain up to 6 AP in the selected color; then for each 2 AP used create 2 Dupes that act as:
Red - A 20-strength Attack Tile Blue - A 15-strength Protect Tile Green - A 15-strength Strike Tile Yellow - A trap tile, when this tile leaves the board, Multiple Man is burst healed for 259 Purple - A trap tile, when this tile leaves the board, deal 232 damage to a random enemy Black - A 3-turn Worst Enemy Repeater tile that deals 199 damage to Multiple Man and two random enemies.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Increases to all Dupes.
Level 3: Drain up to 8 AP. Increases to all Dupes.
Level 4: Increases to all Dupes.
Level 5: Drain up to 10 AP. Increases to all Dupes.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Drain up to 8 AP. Increases to all Dupes.
Level 4: Increases to all Dupes.
Level 5: Drain up to 10 AP. Increases to all Dupes.
At Champion Max Level:
Level 3: Drain up to 8 AP. Increases to all Dupes.
Level 4: Increases to all Dupes.
Level 5: Drain up to 10 AP. Increases to all Dupes.
POWER COST variable
Drain up to 10 extra Green AP; then for every 2 AP spent, reabsorb 1 friendly Dupe(s), destroying those tiles. For each absorbed, gain 65 health, then gain 25% of the AP that would be generated by destroying those Dupes in their colors (rounded up).
(Destroyed tiles deal damage, but do not generate AP).
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Gain 139 health.
Level 3: Drain up to 12 AP. Gain 186 health.
Level 4: Gain 325 health.
Level 5: Drain up to 14 AP. Gain 511 health.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Drain up to 12 AP. Gain 358 health.
Level 4: Gain 625 health.
Level 5: Drain up to 14 AP. Gain 983 health.
At Champion Max Level:
Level 3: Drain up to 12 AP. Gain 746 health.
Level 4: Gain 1305 health.
Level 5: Drain up to 14 AP. Gain 2051 health.
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