Marvel Puzzle Quest Wiki

Possessed by an ancient Asgardian god and armed with a divine weapon, Cain Marko helps us answer the age-old question — what happens when an unstoppable force gets a really big hammer?



POWER COST  green  0
(PASSIVE) Clear a path! Whenever Juggernaut makes a match, he deals 41 damage to the enemy team.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deals 57 damage to enemy team
Level 3: Deals 74 damage to enemy team
Level 4: Deals 107 damage to enemy team
Level 5: Deals 172 damage to enemy team

At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 144 damage to enemy team.
Level 4: Deals 208 damage to enemy team.
Level 5: Deals 336 damage to the enemy team.


POWER COST  red  0
(PASSIVE) One does not simply stop the juggernaut. Juggernaut’s base match damage is increased by 40%, and he takes 40% less damage from enemy matches.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Juggernaut’s base match damage is increased by 40% and he takes 75% less damage.
Level 3: Juggernaut’s base match damage is increased by 65%.
Level 4: Juggernaut’s base match damage is increased by 100% and he takes 90% less damage from enemy matches.
Level 5: Juggernaut’s base match damage is increased 225%.

At Max Level:
Level 3: Damage is increased by 65% and Juggernaut takes 75% less damage from enemy matches.
Level 4: Juggernaut’s base match damage is increased by 100% and he takes 90% less damage from enemy matches.

Breaker of Stone[]

POWER COST  blue  11
Juggernaut slams his hammer with all the might of Asgard. Destroys a random column. (Does not generate AP.)

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Destroys random column and 2 random tiles from adjacent columns.
Level 3: Destroys 4 random tiles from the two column adjacent to the destroyed column.
Level 4: Destroys 10 random tiles from the two columns adjacent to the destroyed column.
Level 5: Juggernaut destroys a chosen column and 10 adjacent tiles

Best Build[]



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See also[]
