Marvel Puzzle Quest Wiki
Balance of Power (Off-season)

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All Characters fight on a level playing field in the Balance of Power tournament!

All characters except 5-Stars are Powered-Up to level 270!

Fight your way to the top of the leaderboards with every tool at your disposal!

Balance of Power Event Screen

Power-Up Characters[]

EVERYONE TO 270! (Except Epic Characters)

Event Rewards[]

Leaderboard Awards[]

Rank Rewards
1 Ant-Man (Scott Lang) (BlueAbility Power) Plus all rewards from previous rank.
2-5 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (BlueAbility, RedAbility and YellowAbility Powers), 5000 Iso-8 Icon, 100 Hero Points Icon, 2 CommandPoints.
6-10 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (RedAbility and YellowAbility Powers), 2000 Iso-8 Icon, 100 Hero Points Icon, 2 CommandPoints.
11-25 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (RedAbility and YellowAbility Powers), 1000 Iso-8 Icon, 50 Hero Points Icon, 1 CommandPoints.
26-50 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (YellowAbility Power), 1000 Iso-8 Icon, 50 Hero Points Icon, 1 CommandPoints.
51-100 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (YellowAbility Power), 500 Iso-8 Icon, 25 Hero Points Icon.
101-200 Human Torch (Johnny Storm) (BlackAbility Power), 500 Iso-8 Icon.
201-300 Human Torch (Johnny Storm) (BlackAbility Power), 250 Iso-8 Icon.
301-400 Recruit Token (Standard) x2, 140 Iso-8 Icon.
401-500 Recruit Token (Standard), 70 Iso-8 Icon.

Alliance Awards[]

Rank Rewards
1-2 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (YellowAbility Power), 5000 Iso-8 Icon, 250 Hero Points Icon.
3-10 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (YellowAbility Power), 5000 Iso-8 Icon, 100 Hero Points Icon.
11-25 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (YellowAbility Power), 3000 Iso-8 Icon, 100 Hero Points Icon.
26-50 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (YellowAbility Power), 2000 Iso-8 Icon, 100 Hero Points Icon.
51-100 Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) (YellowAbility Power), 1000 Iso-8 Icon, 50 Hero Points Icon.
101-250 1000 Iso-8 Icon, 50 Hero Points Icon.
251-500 500 Iso-8 Icon, 25 Hero Points Icon.
501-1000 500 Iso-8 Icon.
1001-10000 250 Iso-8 Icon.

Progression Rewards[]

Score Rewards
25 Recruit Token (Standard)
50 100 Iso-8 Icon
100 Stockpile (+1 AP to all colors)
200 Daken (Dark Avengers) (BlueAbility Power)
300 Recruit Token (Balance of Power)
400 25 Hero Points Icon
500 1000 Iso-8 Icon
575 25 Hero Points Icon
650 Recruit Token (Balance of Power)
725 50 Hero Points Icon
800 Vision (Android Avenger) (RedAbility Power)
850 1000 Iso-8 Icon
900 Recruit Token (Balance of Power)
950 1000 Iso-8 Icon
1000 Wolverine (X-Force) (GreenAbility Power)
1300 LegendaryTokenIcon Recruit Token (Legendary)

Balance of Power Comic Sale[]

Balance of Power Comic[]

Balance of Power (Off-Season) Offer

During the Balance of Power Event you can buy comics from these special packs:

Drop Rates[]

40 Pack 10 Pack 1 Pack
Uncommon 5.2% 5.2% 5.5%
Rare 0.7% 0.7% 0.6%
Legendary 0.3% 0.3% 0.2%